Seattle Public Schools

Curriculum Alignment

Middle School Course Alignment


Seattle Public Schools is proud to lead the way in creating consistent, rigorous, 为所有学生开设合适的中学课程,这是我们对种族平等承诺的一部分. As shared in February 2020, 我们正在调整整个学区的中学和K-8学校的课程设置,为我们所有的家庭带来可预测性,并创造通往大学和职业的共同道路.

As was previously announced, starting in the 2021-22 school year, 每个SPS六年级和七年级的学生都将使用董事会批准的Amplify Science课程进行教学, regardless of Highly Capable (HC) eligibility.

我们也很高兴地宣布,社会研究的课程也将类似地调整, including Since Time Immemorial, mathematics, and world languages starting in the 2021-22 school year.

NOTE: The FAQs below will be updated as new questions are received. Use the SPS online contact form 提交问题,您将尽快收到工作人员的回复.

Social Studies and Since Time Immemorial

Starting in the 2021-22 school year, 自远古时代以来,地区采用的课程:华盛顿州的部落主权将作为美国印第安人历史的主要课程在所有年级教授.

Course titles will remain the same for grades 6, 7, and 8, but geography and Eastern Hemisphere will be discontinued. Courses will follow the revised Washington State Social Studies Standards for grades 6 and 7. 所有学生将遵循相同的课程顺序,无论高能力(HC)资格.

The course sequencing for grades 6-8 will be:

  • Grade 6: World History and World Geography, with Since Time Immemorial
  • Grade 7: Expand to one full year of Washington State history, with a specific focus on Since Time Immemorial
  • Grade 8: U.S. History and Government, with Since Time Immemorial



地理和东半球现在将并入世界历史. 地理也被纳入所有K-12学生的社会研究课程.


The shift in standards necessitated realignment in grades 6 and 7. 其他年级的课程没有明显的标准变化.


For the 2021-22 school year, 六年级的学生将根据五年级的数学课程注册顺序进入下一个数学课程. 这确保了所有学生都能接受K-8基础数学标准的指导,为学生在高中学习代数和高等数学课程奠定基础.

The Math Content Area of Curriculum, Assessment, 和指令将与所有中学和K-8学校合作,确保到2022-23学年,至少有一种加速途径可供学生在中学时准备好迎接更快的节奏或更多的挑战, either through compacting content or doubling up. While individual schools may design their own acceleration opportunities, 数学内容区可以支持计划在七年级开设数学7/8紧凑课程的学校, 或者计划允许学生在八年级同时选修数学8和代数1.

SPS已经从跳过数学课程转变为学区支持的加速选项,因为它导致学生错过了对以后数学课程成功至关重要的基础数学学习. To reach advanced coursework opportunities, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs, students only need to be accelerated in math by one year, which can happen in middle school or high school.

对于有资格获得高级学习或高级服务的学生,有关数学入学的其他问题, please contact the Advanced Learning department or review your middle school’s Continuous School Improvement Plan.



The course sequence is math 6, math 7, math 8, algebra 1, and geometry.

If my student doubles up on math courses, will they have to drop an elective?

In most cases, yes. The additional math class will serve as the student’s elective.

World Languages

中学阶段的世界语言课程以前是两年制的. For example, 学生可以在七年级学习两个学期的西班牙语1A,然后在八年级学习两个学期的西班牙语1B. 然后,学生可以选择将一年的世界语言学分转到高中学分. 一些学校还提供了一门不计入高中学分的探索性语言课程.

As a part of this middle school alignment plan, 所有中学的目标是为所有学生提供获得至少一门世界语言高中学分的机会. 中学将开设一年制的世界语言课程. 例如,学生将在一个学期内完成西班牙语1A和西班牙语1B. This is the same way world language is offered in high school. 现在,在中学完成世界语言课程的学生将获得高中学分. 有些学校可能仍然会选择提供探索性语言选项,这不是高中学分. Languages offered will vary by school. 这个新的世界语言联盟将增加所有学生在一年的课程中学习世界语言的机会,并将增加在中学获得世界语言高中学分的学生人数. 这也将增加学校在其主课程中提供世界语言2级课程的机会,并将增加学生在高中学习更高水平语言课程的机会.


Will my students have to repeat a language level?

No. 目前为期一年的1B课程将逐步取消,到2022-23学年,所有中学都将开设一年制的世界语言课程.

How can I find out which languages my student’s school offers?



Are there options to take a world language at another school?

No. 我们建议与你的学校领导和社区分享你的兴趣.